BizneX India - Your Digital Buddy

Be Digitally Atmanirbhar

With Your Digital Buddy for Free!

Time, money, knowledge will no more be hindrances in your digital marketing
aspirations for business growth.


An App for all digital needs of your business.

BizneX helps small businesses like start-ups, solopreneurs, micro/ small business to reach their target
audience through free digital marketing tools and support.


Get Digitally Empowered

With knowledge, tools & support, BizneX makes you super competent to manage your own marketing.


Help Others & Earn Big

Earn BizneX coins by helping other businesses spread their messages socially & use these coins to buy paid services.


Ideate. Create. Communicate.

Learn digital strategies. Create videos & other contents. Connect with your audience. All this on one single App.


One-stop Solution

From website hosting to emails to CRM & evertything else that you could need for your digital presence is on BizneX

BizneX: Salient Features


Empower yourself with organised digital learning. BizneX helps you fix the missing link between you and a digital expert. Upgrading you to be your business's own digital expert.

BizneX: Salient Features


Get tools to create content, be it short form posts or videos. Increase your digital outreach organically, and display a professional digital presence online.

BizneX: Salient Features


Answers to your on-the-go digital questions are just a call away on BizneX. This feature is dedicated to clear your doubts by providing relevant answers to your queries.

BizneX: Salient Features

On-demand Digital

Hiring professionals for a great digital journey is just a click-away. Hire Graphic Designer, Content Writer, Photographer, Video Editor, etc., at super affordable price.

Join the Digital Revolution. Time is Now.

To make it easier for you, we offer BizneX in mobile form. Available for free
download at the Google Play or App Store

Why BizneX ‘Jaruri Hai’ For You?


Easy & Convenient

BizneX strives to make your digital game simplified and efficient for you. The user
interface is super cool & seamless.


Effective & Sustainable

With all the resources and real time support, BizneX enables you to make your digital marketing journey sustainable & fail-proof.


It is Free

What could be better than getting all the
support without having to shell out a single rupee! Yes you read it right. It’s free.

Unleash the potential of digital with BizneX & experience
the thrill.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is BizneX?

BizneX is a Digital Support System that helps small businesses and makes them competent to manage their own digital marketing

What all features BizneX offers to help businesses?

BizneX offers knowledge about various aspects of digital marketing, gives tools to create and promote content and most importantly – BizneX offer support to its users to answer their queries

Is BizneX Free?

Yes, almost all the services in Knowledge, Tools & Support section on BizneX app are absolutely free.

Are there any paid services on BizneX?

Yes, for the convenience of our users, BizneX offers professional services like Graphic Designing, Content Writing, etc. at very reasonable prices.

Got more questions - call us
on +91 9987 854 369

Level Up Your Digital Game with BizneX! Download the app now & get ₹200/- instant cash back